How Can I Lock My Garage Door When I’m Away on Vacation?

Protect Your Garage While on Vacation: Essential Safety Tips Vacations are an exciting time to unwind and explore new destinations, but they can also leave your home vulnerable to intruders—especially your garage. Your garage door can be an easy target for burglars, particularly if it’s an older model with outdated security features. Fortunately, there are several proactive steps you can take to ensure your garage stays safe while you’re away, providing you with peace of mind during your time off. Start with a Friendly Neighbor One of the easiest and most effective ways to keep your garage—and the rest of your home—safe while you’re away is by asking a trusted neighbor for help. Neighbors can act as your eyes and ears, keeping an eye on your property while you’re out of town. A good neighbor can collect your mail, water your plants, and even park in your driveway to create the illusion that someone is home. This simple step can deter burglars, who often look for homes that appear unocc...